Yu gi oh zexal episodes youtube
Yu gi oh zexal episodes youtube

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“This can’t be happening to me,” said Thomas as a pair of black gloves covered both his hands. The pains had stopped, but Thomas couldn’t get up. Suddenly, Thomas felt like he was kicked under his body, so he kneeled which caused his private parts to change to a female’s. Both of Thomas’s eyebrows vanished completely as his eyes grew bigger and his eye color changed from blue to green. Thomas looked down and saw his gray shoes turn black as a pair of black square-framed glasses formed in front of his eyes. He muted his headset and ran into the nearest bathroom. “Yes.I just have to use the bathroom,” said Thomas, trying to disguise his voice. “I’m fine,” said Thomas as his throat hurt for a second, making his voice higher and more girly. His friend Ryan was online, so Thomas joined Ryan’s GTA Online session and entered Ryan’s apartment. He uploaded the video to his YouTube account and made himself a sandwich for lunch.Ī few minutes after lunch, Thomas went to his room to play his Xbox 360 for a little bit. Rest in peace, Vortexx,” said Thomas as he stopped recording. A live-action E/I program started after the credits, and Thomas walked up to his TV to turn it off. Thomas was surprised that all the episodes he just watched were about saying goodbye. The episode faded out, and the credits rolled with a static image and an instrumental rock track playing in the background. Will I truly need his powers to carry out my mission? Am I destined to draw upon his darkness in the future?” “Number 96 seemed certain that I would ask for his help again. It was there we saw a super mysterious card called Numeron Code.” “And after that, me and Astral were transported to some passageway. Thomas heard the last words said in Saturday morning cartoon history: Thomas took out his iPod Touch, pointed the camera at the screen, and hit the record button. He stared at the TV screen in silence, witnessing a classic tradition come to an end within 30 minutes. “Man, I wish Saturday morning cartoons could last forever,” said Thomas. The time was now 11:30 AM, and the Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal episode “Darkness Dawns” had just begun. He was silent during every show, even though he would sing or hum along to every show’s theme song. Thomas has been watching the last broadcast of Vortexx, his favorite Saturday morning cartoon block.

Yu gi oh zexal episodes youtube